Terms of service.


1. BB College Prep agrees to provide to Student those services expressly set forth in the College Advising Program (CAP - the completion of up to eight applications and essays for ONLY those eight colleges), Jumpstart, All-Inclusive, any Package or Hourly Program.Once the essay is brainstormed, that college cannot be swapped out on the list. Once all essays are brainstormed, the college list is final and cannot be changed. If you want to add more colleges, reach out to your counselor for availability and fees. 

2. Payment is due upon enrollment. No refunds will be given after the conclusion of Student’s first meeting with a counselor. If the family or student decide to terminate the program at any time, the balance of the entire program is still due to BB College Prep. Payment is considered late at 30 days past due. BB College Prep retains the right to assess late charges for past due payments and invoices.
PAYMENT PLAN TERMS: Only offered for the College Advising Program. First payment is due upon enrollment and subsequent payments are due on the 1st of each consecutive month. If a payment plan is put in place a 5% fee is added to the total. 

3. BB College Prep shall provide only the services expressly identified in the Program Description. http://www.bbcollegeprep.com/program-description
Student is solely responsible for all other work, tasks, and/or costs related to the college application and admission process, including but not limited to, filling out applications, writing essays, typing, re-typing, copying, printing, proofreading, meeting deadlines, and express mail costs. Student is solely responsible for submission of the application. 

4. Each of the undersigned acknowledges that BB College Prep only assists in the preparation of college admissions applications and that Student is solely responsible for all content and the final proofreading of all documents for any errors and/or omissions. The Student agrees to work only with the Counselors and Editors of BB College Prep on essays and if the Student or Family seek essay support outside of BB College Prep, BB College Prep reserves the right to cease all editing and support of essays for the Student. The Student agrees to not use any AI-generated content for applications, and if they do use AI-generated content, it is not the responsibility of BB College Prep to recognize this use. Student acknowledges they will rewrite any AI-generated content should BB College Prep recognize its use. If Student uses AI-generated content, Student and Family are accepting responsibility and repercussions that this use could generate in the admissions process.

5. Each of the undersigned understands and acknowledges that BB College Prep makes no warranty of any kind regarding admissions to college, or the appropriateness of any college selected by Student. Each of the undersigned further understands and acknowledges that BB College Prep does not and cannot guarantee Student’s admission to any college. The Student and Family also agree to apply to at least TWO likely/safety schools as part of their program or on their own.

6. Each of the undersigned understands BB College Prep may have access to applications, including login information, that may contain sensitive information, for the purposes of review and support of the application process. BB College Prep will not make any edits or changes to applications but has my permission to have login access. 

7. Each of the undersigned understands and agrees: Student is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all content in his or her college applications. Further, that BB College Prep is not responsible or liable in any way for errors, omissions, inaccuracies, or any other defect in Student’s college applications. The Student is ultimately responsible for all submissions and deadlines of applications and any follow up from the college. BB College Prep does not have access to emails and communications sent from the college to the Student and the Student is responsible for any communication related to the college. BB College Prep is not responsible for any breach of data or personal information within applications, documents, or any other work completed with the student should a student choose to share samples of materials, logins, or credentials with BB College Prep.

8. Each of the undersigned also acknowledges and gives permission for the student's essays and application content to be reviewed by the Counselors and Editors of BB College Prep.

9. All content of the program (“BB College Prep Content”), including but not limited to, admissions techniques, writing techniques, and course materials, remains the property of BB College Prep. The undersigned agree that no BB College Prep Content, or copies thereof, will be distributed to any third party without the prior written consent of BB College Prep. The undersigned understand that revealing BB College Prep Content to any third party will cause irreparable harm to BB College Prep.

10. Regarding Hourly/Package programs: Student and Parent agree to pay all invoices billed. Any time used for advising by BB College Prep is considered billable (including emails, phone calls, text messages, outside research, etc., used for any advising, excluding contact for scheduling purposes). Hourly meetings MUST be purchased and paid for 24 hours before we meet. The hours purchased are to be scheduled and utilized by the student and family and unused hours/time purchased are not transferable or refundable.
BB College Prep reserves the right to refuse to review hourly/package work if it is sent or requested on the SAME DAY as the application deadline. If tasks, emails, editing, or work is requested within 24 HOURS as the application deadline, the HOURLY RATE will be 1.5 TIMES the original price per hour. 

11. These programs DO NOT include support for additional art/theater/music supplemental applications. These programs DO NOT include work on UCAS applications and supplements for the UCAS system. These programs do no include work on supplemental nursing or BS/MD applications. If you are interested in these programs, please speak with your counselor before continuing.

12. If you are working with BB College Prep, you are agreeing to work ONLY with BB College Prep in the capacity of college advising. Students who have already engaged another independent educational consultant (who works on the college list and applications) should NOT enroll with BB College Prep without a conversation with their counselor first. If the student is found to be working with another consultant, BB College Prep reserves the right to terminate the Agreement without refund. (This does not apply to specialized consultants such as sports recruiting, arts program specialists, or test prep.) 

13. BB College Prep reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, for any reason, and may exercise this right in its sole and absolute discretion.

14. I have read the BB College Prep Privacy Policy here: https://bbcollegeprep.com/privacy-policy

(Updated 2025)